Rise merupakan positive Hardcore yang berasal dari Malang. Konsistensi mereka di scene lokalpun sudah banyak diakui orang. Dan kali ini Rise merilis ulang sebuah live E.P. yang pernah direlease oleh digital zine mereka sendiri yaitu In Our Hands Magazine.
Musik mereka sendiri terpengaruh dari sound-sound hardcore yang oldschool seperti Champion, Have Heart dan juga newschool Hardcore seperti Endzweck. Lirik yang mereka tuliskan bisa dibilang persuasif. Hal ini dapat kita dengar pada track "Beer Is A Murder". Tidak itupun mereka juga menyampaikan pesan-pesan dalam tentang hidup seperti pada track "Fight" ataupun "Stand Again".
Dan jangan lewatkan rilisan ini untuk mengisi playlist anda terutama jika anda yang sedang tergila-gila dengan band-band newschool Hardcore.
Rise is positive Hardcore from Malang. Their consistency around the local scene has been approved by many people. And now Rise re-release their live E.P. entitled "Positive Hardcore" which also ever been released by their own digital zine "In Our Hands Magazine".
Their musicality is influenced by oldschool hardcore act like Champion and Have Heart or newschool one like Endzweck. Their lyrics could be said preety persuasive. This could be heard at the track "Beer Is A Murder". And also they also wrote the lyrics about deep meaning of life just like tracks "Fight" and "Stand Again".
And don't miss this E.P. to fulfill your playlist and especially for you who is in the tune of newschool Hardcore.
Streaming Song :
Rise - Stand Again
Download All Items Here
Rise's Myspace
mantep! waktu di the geeks jakarta kenalan sama gitarisnya lupa namanya siapa. hehe
ReplyDeleteJauh bner itu ntn the Geeks dari Malang yah...
Ane mah kmaren kontek2 an am vokalis nya bos :)
ReplyDeletemanteps :)
ReplyDeleteSelamat buat RISE atas dirilisnya album terbaru kalian! Smangaat! :)
ReplyDeletexEL VEGANOx
@toro : kalo ga salah namanya joko dah joko anwar hehehe