Dari Malang kami persembahkan Mutant Troopers, sebuah band crossover thrash.
Lalu yang menarik di sini ketika banyak orang mengira crossover thrash merupakan suatu subgenre yang bermuatan full aspek sosial politik tetapi Mutant Troopers mengahadirkan kepada anda sebuah suguhan crossover thrash dengan konten imajinasi komikal dan diracik dengan cangkang sound crossover yang lebih newschool seperti Municipal Waste. Sebuah soundtrack yang bagus untuk mengiringi imajinasi anda sembari membaca ulang masterpiece Tim Burton, "Mars Attack".
From Malang we present you Mutant Troopers, a crossover thrash band. Then we found something really interesting here is when people interprate that crossover thrash is a subgenre which is full by social politic aspects but Mutant Troopers has shown you about crossover taking comical imaginary and arranged by the looking of newschool crossover, taking Municipal Waste as the similarity. A good soundtrack for you to lead your imagination while reading Tim Burton's Masterpiece "Mars Attack".
Sample Songs :
Mutant Troopers - Mars Attack
Download All Items Here
Mutant Troopers' Myspace
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