Monday, March 26, 2012

Here Comes The Neighborhood : RADIO HEY HO!

Akhirnya setelah diujicobakan terhadap ujian yang berkepanjangan akhirnya kami selaku pegawai dan pengurus StoneAge Records telah meresmikan Radio Hey Ho! sebagai wadah media promosi, uneg-uneg, sampai tempat bergunjing #lho@!#%.
Gak usah dipedulikan racauan tadi yang pasti Radio Hey Ho! ini merupakan radio online dan juga merangkap sebagai webzine. Dan satu lagu yang ingin diberitahukan bahwa Radio Hey Ho! merupakan media yang berbasis Creative Commons Lisence (Tren baru ceritanye, media make Creative Commons hahaha!).
Oh iya lupa satu lagi #TepokKepala yang pasti nantinya konten-konten khusus seperti "Podcast" dan "Zines" akan kami pindahkan ke web Radio Hey Ho! dan akan terus kami publish di sana.
Wokeh untuk lebih lanjut silahkan saja langsung dicek email ajaibnya yang didisain oleh sang maskot Radio Hey Ho! itu sendiri, Mono, dan Rizkan!

Finally after being tested in a very very long test #GOSH we are here to announce the legalize and re-welcome our brother in hood, Radio Hey Ho! as our promotion media, pouring heart, and gossiping spot! Now going on from that bad jokes, Radio Hey Ho! is a radio online which is also forming as a webzine and one thing to be noticed that Radio Hey Ho! is a Creative Commons based media.
Oh ya! Sorry I was forgotten to annouce that for certain contents such as "Podcast" and "Zines" will be moved into the Radio Hey Ho! site and will be published there for further.
OK thats it all we want to inform and if you still want to check them. Please feel free to see the web which might be you cannot understand about the language lol!

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